does a teacher during a time when excessive individualism and
self-centered views prevail1
get students to consider a more idealistic view of politics and
governance? By adopting federation theory, as this blog proposes, to
guide content choices in our civics and government curriculum, a
teacher is being asked to introduce an overall idealistic vision.
That is, a teacher would plan lessons that have students consider
idealistic options in regards to both personal political behavior and
governmental policy. One way to get such an educational aim off the
ground is to present lessons that hit upon the more practical aspects
of such a view. William A. Galston2
provides help in devising such instruction.
it is useful to consider a main concern of federation theory. That
is, this more communal view of politics and governance is centered on
the idea that good governance is about trying to attain and maintain
the common good. Of course, seeking the common good oftentimes flies
in the face of trying to advance self-interest. It also questions a
governmental/political construct that promotes individual aims and
self defined values, such as the case with the prevailing construct –
the natural rights perspective. Galston points out three types of
factual conditions that highlight our need to consider this central
concern of federation theory. He begins by pointing out that the
very commonness of these facts almost make them invisible to us. We
assume them in calculating our plans to advance our interests. Yet,
as we consider them – as we should from time to time – we can
more realistically understand and appreciate their importance in our
ability to successfully fulfill our aims.
first of these factual conditions is the existence of inherently
social goods. Certain highly prized aspects of life demand social
venues and modes of being in which those aspects take place. The
venues or modes of behavior are social goods. For example, there is
humor that demands a social arrangement (trying telling a joke to
yourself). The same can be said for most games. But, life itself
demands the existence of social goods (we are all vulnerable in some
way or other all the time, but especially during certain segments of
our lives such as in infancy or advanced age). Of course, we are
social beings where even the most introverted person needs social
outlets at times.
second factual condition is our dependence on social linkages. We
formulate, quite naturally, an array of social linkages. As just
mentioned, we are social animals by nature and our interconnectedness
sets our reality in such a way that the well-being of some will
affect the well-being of others precisely because we are linked.
Along with Galston, many writers have pointed out the ironic truth
that oppression, for example, does not only claim a toll only the
oppressed, but on the oppressor as well. Oppression eats away at our
very humanness. Our enlightened self-interest is served when we meet
our obligations within these social linkages. This is observed when
we submit, for example, to socially responsible behavior such as when
we voluntarily follow health mandates like vaccinating our children
from infectious diseases. Yes, the rich oftentimes try to use their
wealth to de-link themselves; they might pay for private security,
for example. But sooner or later such strategies fall short when
underfunded social services such as police cannot keep up with rising
social problems like crime rates. We see this in some poorer
countries where kidnappings are a chronic problem. The establishment
and maintenance of a healthy economy, from which we all benefit,
counts on law-abiding communities either locally or nationally.
third factual condition is what Galston calls “the good of the
common.” The common life takes place in either physical or
technologically created places. Our behaviors within these places,
either if one behaves by oneself or in social groupings, will very
likely affect the quality of a particular place to serve its
designated function. Places usually need to be clean enough, safe
enough, accessible enough, and resourced enough to meet the needs of
those who want to use them. This calls for socially responsible
behavior by those who use these places.
goods, social linkages, and common places are not an exhaustive list
of factual conditions that are practical aspects of the common good.
Ironically, Galston points out, our very conflicts trying to
determine what exactly constitutes the common good is very much an
aspect of the common good – the very debates that oftentimes
challenge the prevailing vision of the common good are part and
parcel of that good. Educators can use these realities to create
case study accounts that students might analyze to identify,
appreciate, and even debate either how the conditions support or
challenge our social and individual interests. Take the
condition, social goods, as when a teenager abuses a social media by
posting inappropriate material – should there be mechanisms that
restrain that practice? Should terrorist groups be able to publish
directions on how to build a bomb? How does bullying affect a
school's ability to fulfill its purposes? Should children be seen as
the sole responsibility of parents or do communities have a
responsibility or even a sense of “ownership” over all of their
children? Each of these questions can serve as a topic for a lesson
– a lesson that has the student delve into our social realities and
our concerns for the common good from a practical perspective.
J. M. & Campbell, W. K. (2009). The narcissism epidemic:
Living in the age of entitlement.
New York, NY: Free Press.
W. A. (2013). The common good: Theoretical content, practical
utility. Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences, 142 (2), Spring, pp.
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