A Crucial Element of Democracy

This is a blog by Robert Gutierrez ...
While often taken for granted, civics education plays a crucial role in a democracy like ours. This Blog is dedicated to enticing its readers into taking an active role in the formulation of the civics curriculum found in their local schools. In order to do this, the Blog is offering a newer way to look at civics education, a newer construct - liberated federalism or federation theory. Daniel Elazar defines federalism as "the mode of political organization that unites separate polities within an overarching political system by distributing power among general and constituent governments in a manner designed to protect the existence and authority of both." It depends on its citizens acting in certain ways which Elazar calls federalism's processes. Federation theory, as applied to civics curriculum, has a set of aims. They are:
*Teach a view of government as a supra federated institution of society in which collective interests of the commonwealth are protected and advanced.
*Teach the philosophical basis of government's role as guardian of the grand partnership of citizens at both levels of individuals and associations of political and social intercourse.
*Convey the need of government to engender levels of support promoting a general sense of obligation and duty toward agreed upon goals and processes aimed at advancing the common betterment.
*Establish and justify a political morality which includes a process to assess whether that morality meets the needs of changing times while holding true to federalist values.
*Emphasize the integrity of the individual both in terms of liberty and equity in which each citizen is a member of a compacted arrangement and whose role is legally, politically, and socially congruent with the spirit of the Bill of Rights.
*Find a balance between a respect for national expertise and an encouragement of local, unsophisticated participation in policy decision-making and implementation.
Your input, as to the content of this Blog, is encouraged through this Blog directly or the Blog's email address: gravitascivics@gmail.com .
NOTE: This blog has led to the publication of a book. The title of that book is TOWARD A FEDERATED NATION: IMPLEMENTING NATIONAL CIVICS STANDARDS and it is available through Amazon in both ebook and paperback versions.

Friday, January 20, 2017


This writer is currently posting a series of offerings that addresses the issue of policy change.  Policy change can be in the form of new laws, new regulations, or new court decisions.  For example, the court decision that has legalized same sex marriages is such a case.  The connection of this topic to civics education is obvious.  But to make the point, good citizenry in a polity where citizen engagement is not only allowed, but encouraged, its civics education owes its students an accurate account of how the system makes policy.
          To date, this blog has highlighted the policy making attributes of coalition and compromise.  That is, policy change is dependent on a string of players coming together and committing to accomplishing the change.  This writer would argue that this is exactly how the system was supposed to work.  Instead of a parliamentary system in which political parties and their discipline dictate policy change, a congressional/presidential system, like that of the US, depends on a more congregational approach as described above.
          Relying on the research of Matt Grossman,[1] this blog has identified those factors that influence this process.  Of course, the leadership that forms such coalitions is a factor.  Grossman has identified – and this blog has reported – a set of factors beyond this central one.  He has further divided them into types and, in terms of influence, arranged them in a three-tier categorization.
          Tier one includes the internal deal-making characterized by this organizing, bargaining, debating, and compromising among a relatively small number of policy makers.  One can call it internal negotiating.  A middle tier of factors consists of path dependence from the previous attempts to make change, research in the related area, and what is happening in the world, either domestically or abroad. 
And the last tier identifies public opinion along with media coverage, ideas that have taken some currency, court decisions, and international and sub national developments of lesser note.  This last tier deserves special attention in a civics classroom due to the inclusion of public opinion.  In a civics class that adopts federation theory – as is advocated in this blog – the aim should be to upgrade public opinion to, at least, tier two.  But Grossman indicates that there has been, of late, an uptick in the influence that public opinion is having in contemporary politics.
This writer has also noted this shift.  The problem is that increased engagement has taken not a federalist tone, not one that supports the congregational spirit the founders had in mind, but one that resembles the natural rights frame of reference and language.  In short, the current participation language sounds more like “what’s in it for me” rather than “what’s in it for the common good.”  Of course, in action this is probably always the case, but in terms of espoused values – the espoused theory – the natural rights view seems to be guiding the efforts toward change.
This trend can be traced to about 2009 when the effects of the financial crisis took hold. Since then, led by groups such as the Tea Party, politics have become more polarized, ideological, and nationalistic.  It is catering to more personal prejudices and biases.  The last election saw these trends in full display.  Today begins the consequences of such a shift; time will tell what the effects will be.
Rule-making, an essential function of any political system, has gone wanting.  The polarization has made the needed coalitions, negotiations, bargaining, and compromises nearly impossible.  Hence, the system has become dysfunctional.  The government, in many areas of national concern, has become ineffective.
In such a political environment, the call naturally bends toward a demand to shake up the system, for bringing in the outsider.  That is what this election has brought, at least in terms of the executive branch.  The legislative branch has already tapped many outsiders to take up a significant number of the seats in the law-making body.  The outsiders are in control of much of the nation’s decision-making positions.  The question remains: will this new set of policy-makers get the system to make the rules that address the mounting demands among certain segments of the population?
The likelihood of this outcome is a topic for another posting.  This writer does not hold out much hope; if anything, the polarization has just gotten worse.  Here’s hoping he is wrong.  Today is traditionally a day of celebration and in less polarized days, it would be.  But, unfortunately, that is not the case.
To end, here is a Grossman observation:  for elections to be effective instruments of change, they must be consistent and overwhelming in their results.  When that happens, policy-makers will either heed the message an election conveys or it will lead to a new batch of decision-makers.  Unfortunately, the last adjective one would use to describe the last presidential election is decisive in terms of what people want.

[1] Matt Grossman, Artist of the Possible:  Governing Networks and American Policy Change Since 1945 (New York, NY:  Oxford University Press).

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