A Crucial Element of Democracy

This is a blog by Robert Gutierrez ...
While often taken for granted, civics education plays a crucial role in a democracy like ours. This Blog is dedicated to enticing its readers into taking an active role in the formulation of the civics curriculum found in their local schools. In order to do this, the Blog is offering a newer way to look at civics education, a newer construct - liberated federalism or federation theory. Daniel Elazar defines federalism as "the mode of political organization that unites separate polities within an overarching political system by distributing power among general and constituent governments in a manner designed to protect the existence and authority of both." It depends on its citizens acting in certain ways which Elazar calls federalism's processes. Federation theory, as applied to civics curriculum, has a set of aims. They are:
*Teach a view of government as a supra federated institution of society in which collective interests of the commonwealth are protected and advanced.
*Teach the philosophical basis of government's role as guardian of the grand partnership of citizens at both levels of individuals and associations of political and social intercourse.
*Convey the need of government to engender levels of support promoting a general sense of obligation and duty toward agreed upon goals and processes aimed at advancing the common betterment.
*Establish and justify a political morality which includes a process to assess whether that morality meets the needs of changing times while holding true to federalist values.
*Emphasize the integrity of the individual both in terms of liberty and equity in which each citizen is a member of a compacted arrangement and whose role is legally, politically, and socially congruent with the spirit of the Bill of Rights.
*Find a balance between a respect for national expertise and an encouragement of local, unsophisticated participation in policy decision-making and implementation.
Your input, as to the content of this Blog, is encouraged through this Blog directly or the Blog's email address: gravitascivics@gmail.com .
NOTE: This blog has led to the publication of a book. The title of that book is TOWARD A FEDERATED NATION: IMPLEMENTING NATIONAL CIVICS STANDARDS and it is available through Amazon in both ebook and paperback versions.

Friday, June 26, 2020


[Note:  If the reader has taken up reading this blog with this posting, he/she is helped by knowing that this posting is the next one in a series of postings.  The series begins with the posting, “The Natural Rights’ View of Morality” (February 25, 2020, https://gravitascivics.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-natural-rights-view-of-morality.html).  He/she, in order to know the current aim of this blog, should look up the posting, “The Magruder and Glencoe Case, Part VIII (June 9, 2020).]

With this posting, this blog ends its review and evaluation of the American government textbook, Glencoe United States Government:  Democracy in Action.[1]  The overall aim has been to find evidence that supports or negates the claim that current civics curricular content and methods are influenced by the natural rights construct and to evaluate the content of that book according to federation theory values and concerns.
          Substantively, if the claim is true, the content of that curriculum would emphasize only one of Daniel Elazar’s aims for political science.  Here is what he had to say about why people are political to begin with,
Human … concern with politics focuses on three general themes; the pursuit of political justice to achieve political order; the search for understanding of the empirical reality of political power and its exercise; and the creation of an appropriate civic environment through civil society and civil community capable of integrating the first two themes to produce the good political life.[2]
 If this is why humans are political, one would logically deduce that the reasons or aims to study that behavior would reflect these general aims. 
Currently, under the general construct of natural rights, political science, in an attempt to be more scientific, has zeroed in on the second aim, “the search for understanding of the empirical reality of political power and its exercise,” to the exclusion of the other two.  Federation theory does not belittle this aim, but strongly defends the inclusion of the other two.
So, in essence, what this blog is asking is to what extent does civics curriculum in the US seek the fulfillment of all three aims – i.e., how thoroughly does the curricular materials used in the classroom address the pursuit of justice, understanding of political behavior, and the establishment of a civil society?  This posting continues this effort by looking at the fifth randomly selected paragraph from the Glencoe textbook.
Chapter 26, “Development of Economic Systems,” Section 2, “Emerging Economies,” pages 723-724 –
Another important difference distinguishes the “command” democratic socialist economies and “command” communist economies.  Under the first type, voters can replace the government leaders who are in command of the economy.  In a Communist country, such as the former Soviet Union or Cuba, however, only one party exists, and the people have no control over the economic decisions.[3]
The reader will notice that this citation has two pages.  The randomness employed by this writer called for page 724, paragraph 5.  It happens that that paragraph five continues to the next page, hence the designation 724-725.
          This paragraph is contextualized within a general treatment of the economic challenges facing emerging nations.  Such nations include (as identified in an accompanying insert) Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Chile, Ethiopia, etc.  That insert, along with the inserts in the previously chosen paragraphs, has a statistical representation of the economic challenges these nations confront.  It also has a “Critical Thinking” question.  Of course, as the quoted paragraph indicates, the report strays into describing the difference among capitalist democracies, democratic socialist systems, and Communist systems.
          In terms of democratic socialist nations, mostly found in Western Europe, the text lists the array of public services such as socialized medicine that those states provide.  It hits on the criticism they generate by, in part, highlighting the term “welfare state.”
          As with the other cited paragraphs, the text presents information that reflect a controversial concern without identifying the controversy or, by necessity, the source of the controversy.  The opinion here is that the controversy reflects what the media covered when the textbook was published.  This writer sees this inclusion as catering to the consumerist bent current civics curriculum strives to satisfy. 
With this information, in other words, the student can, if he/she takes the information seriously, make more informed voting decisions when the student is asked to choose between or among a set of candidates and their respective policy proposals.  The positive side of this is, by its inclusion of data, the student is encouraged to look at the issue and the data from an objective point of view – although nothing in the text addresses how objective the choice of that information is.  Also, the “other” aims of Elazar are totally ignored.  This follows the general editorial choices that both Glencoe and Magruder demonstrate.
          With a look at five randomly chosen paragraphs found in Glencoe, what can one generally say about that book?  As with Magruder, this book further demonstrates what the influence of the natural rights view has on the civics curriculum of the nation with one qualification indicated below.  That influence leads both books to share the following attributes:
·       The books offer students an extremely objectified language as to what they convey.  In line with scientific efforts, that language avoids any valued or attitudinal position regarding its content.
·       The chosen information, though, reflects what is currently debatable or controversial.  Given the language, that reportage does not indicate this bias, but given what is included, one cannot find all those choices as coincidental.  In short, the effort of these books is to inform future voters about the predictable issues that they will confront.
·       While many of these chosen issues can be analyzed and debated in terms of how they relate to justice or how they advance or detract from a civil society, the books tend to avoid such questioning.  Yes, there are exceptions, but they are passing concerns without much focus placed on them.[4]
·       With this emphasis on providing information to inform a future voters, the texts naturally portray an individualistic approach to this study of politics.  Very little of the books’ treatments of these issues is expressed through the lens of a communal orientation to such issues.  Of course, as with any reportage of politics, one must mention collective or communal arrangements at some point.  But the reflected aims do not center on what advances or hurts the common advantages of those arrangements. 
·       And finally, and this is the qualification alluded to above, Glencoe differs from Magruder to the extent the former attempts to adopt the methodology of behavioral political science.  This blog has dedicated, in this series, a bit of space to review what constitutes behavioral studies especially in political science.  Glencoe, with its inclusion of raw data and inquiry questioning, reasonably mimics what political scientists do – suitable in sophistication to its audience, high school students.
Now this blog is ready to move on to another area of concern; that is, another area of obstacles facing civics teachers in promoting a federated society; that is the bifurcated electorate one finds in contemporary America.

[1] Richard C. Remy, Glencoe United States Government:  Democracy in Action (New York, NY:  McGraw-Hill/Glencoe, 2010).

[2] Daniel J. Elazar, Exploring Federalism (Tuscaloosa, AL:  The University of Alabama Press, 1987), 1.

[3] Richard C. Remy, Glencoe United States Government, 723-724.

[4] For example, in Glencoe’s coverage of economic politics, an editorial cartoon appears in which three fish of various sizes are depicted.  The smallest fish states, “There is no justice in the world,” as it is about to be eaten by the midsize fish.  The midsize fish says, “There is some justice in the world,” as it is about to be eaten by the large fish.  And, of course, the large fish says, “The world is just.”  See Richard C. Remy, Glencoe United States Government, 718.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


[Note:  If the reader has taken up reading this blog with this posting, he/she is helped by knowing that this posting is the next one in a series of postings.  The series begins with the posting, “The Natural Rights’ View of Morality” (February 25, 2020, https://gravitascivics.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-natural-rights-view-of-morality.html).  He/she, in order to know the current aim of this blog, should look up the posting, “The Magruder and Glencoe Case, Part VIII (June 9, 2020).]

Moving on with the current effort of this blog, the review and evaluation of two popular high school American government textbooks,[1] this posting looks at the next two paragraphs selected from Glencoe United States Government:  Democracy in Action.
          The random system the writer is using identified page 501 for the third paragraph.  The problem is that 501 is dedicated for end of Chapter 17 activities, “Document-Based Questions,” and, as with the earlier choice of page 3, the page does not have instructional information.  Instead it offers raw material – cited from other sources – for students to analyze.  This writer, beforehand, anticipated this possibility and planned to cite the immediately preceding page to these end of chapter material.  That is page 497.
Chapter 17, “Elections and Voting,” Section 3, “Influences on Voters,” page 497 –
Voter Participation
          The participation of Americans voting in presidential elections declined from about 62 percent in 1960 to just over 50 percent in 2000.  Even fewer Americans voted in congressional, state, and local elections.  In 2004, however, voter participation jumped to about 55 percent in a hotly contested race between incumbent George W. Bush and Massachusetts Senator John Kerry.  The election ended in Bush’s victory over Kerry.  Some voters in key battleground states waited for hours to vote.  Each candidate received more votes than any presidential candidate had ever received before.[2]
          This is a very telling paragraph.  Apparently, Glencoe makes a serious effort to round out the influence of behavioral political science.  That is, the book cites behavioral data to a seemingly reflected attribute one can ascribe to American voters. 
That attribute seems to be that they, in great numbers, do not want to vote.  What is missing is why this should be a concern – a reason seems to be assumed or it just happens to be one of many attributes that describes Americans.  It could be that this is highlighted because it distinguishes Americans from other democracies.
For example, Spain in their last national elections (in 2019) had a 71.8% turnout.[3]  This writer noticed, that throughout the text, there are recurring references to data – raw information concerning political behaviors.  Of course, this is in line with how political scientists see their subject matter and reflects a general influence that scientific thinking has had on the social sciences including political science.
Again, if one views this text from a federation theory perspective, this text material lacks important questioning and information.  Instead, this is judged to be influenced by the natural rights bias in favor of behavioral political study.  The chosen paragraph would be enhanced from a federal point of view if it included the central role voting plays in an engaged citizenry.  Instead, one does not get that message from how low voting rates are without further contextual information.
A good example of this more detached, scientific approach is noted on page 494.  There is an insert, “Electing the President,” that features a map and a table of statistics which traces turnout rates from 1964 to 2008.  The insert is captioned with an inquiry question:  Critical Thinking  Approximately 127 million people voted for president in 2008.  In which areas of the country did McCain receive the strongest support?  Obama?[4] 
Again, without any indication toward bringing out a federated concern, one can only see this as a behavioral, natural rights bias.  That is, by reducing students’ attention to thinking in terms of specific factors or variables, in this case geographic location and voter behavior, the student would tend to miss the overall concern of how unfederated this behavior – or lack of a behavior – tends to be.
This reminds one of David Brooks’ observation, cited earlier in this blog, “The problem with this approach is that it has trouble explaining dynamic complexity, the essential feature of a human being, a culture, or a society.” [5] This is especially true for a person lacking much experience, such as a high school student with these concerns.
Chapter 25, “Political Systems in Today’s World,” Section 4, “Global Issues,” page 708 –
          The global importance of the oil industry also increased cultural exchanges between Middle Eastern countries and the West.  Many Muslim fundamentalists resented this contact, fearing that it weakened traditional Islamic values and beliefs.  New movements arose that called for a strict interpretation of the Quran – the holy book of Islam – and a return to traditional Islamic religious laws.  Eventually, some of the more militant fundamentalists began using terrorism to achieve their goals.[6]
          This paragraph appears in a subsection entitled, “International Terrorism.”  When one considers this book was published in 2010, its development occurred in the years following the 9/11 terrorist attack.  While terrorism, as an issue still garners a great deal of concern, it has subsided a bit when compared to the interest that problem generated during the “aught” years.  In other words, the issue is highlighted for the very market-oriented reason, it was virulent within the citizenry of that time.
          As with the previously cited paragraph, this page has an insert with statistics.  That is, the insert has a table of what it calls, “World Terrorism Data.”  Again, one can see a behavioral “flavor” in the book’s depiction of this issue.  The chart informs the reader of incidences of attacks, fatalities, injuries, and kidnappings for the years 2005-2007.  Under the chart are highlighted percent rates of change during those years.[7]
          In this insert there is a “critical thinking” question: 
Since the September 11, 2001, attacks, nations have been alert to the possibility of terrorist attacks at public events.  Here Chinese soldiers [the picture in the insert] guarded a missile battery during preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.  What are the objectives of terrorist attacks and do they achieve their goals?[8]
This question, regardless of the construct prompting its inclusion, seems to this writer to be “too big” a question to include in an insert.  One can write a book about this question and therefore, one is hard pressed to take it as a serious effort to elicit a classroom discussion of any substance.  Surely, one can express off-the-cuff comments, but a serious discussion?  This writer feels the question is more filler than anything else.
          As with the other analyzed paragraphs, this one reflects a natural rights bias.  That is, it reflects what is “popular” at the time, lacks any association to common good explanatory tie-ins, and lacks any grander view of how one, if engaged, would enhance the federated relationships.  That would be relationships one could promote if students became involved with an issue such as terrorism.
          The next posting will look at one more paragraph from the Glencoe book and offer an overall comment regarding this textbook.

[1] Daniel M. Shea, Magruder’s American Government (Boston, MA:  Prentice Hall/Pearson, 2019) AND Richard C. Remy, Glencoe United States Government:  Democracy in Action (New York, NY:  McGraw-Hill/Glencoe, 2010).

[2] Richard C. Remy, Glencoe United States Government, 497.

[3] “April 2019 Spanish General Election,” Wikipedia, n.d., accessed June 22, 2020, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_2019_Spanish_general_election .  It should be noted, European turnout in European Union elections are comparable to American turnouts.  See “Final Turnout Data for 2019 European Elections Announced, News:  European Parliament, October 29, 2019, accessed June 22, 2020, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20191029IPR65301/final-turnout-data-for-2019-european-elections-announced .

[4] Richard C. Remy, Glencoe United States Government, 494 (emphasis in the original).

[5] David Brooks, The Social Animal:  The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement (New York, NY:  Random House, 2011), 108-109.

[6] Richard C. Remy, Glencoe United States Government, 708.

[7] For example, “Violence against noncombatants in Africa rose by 96 percent in 2007.”

[8] Richard C. Remy, Glencoe United States Government, 708.