A Crucial Element of Democracy

This is a blog by Robert Gutierrez ...
While often taken for granted, civics education plays a crucial role in a democracy like ours. This Blog is dedicated to enticing its readers into taking an active role in the formulation of the civics curriculum found in their local schools. In order to do this, the Blog is offering a newer way to look at civics education, a newer construct - liberated federalism or federation theory. Daniel Elazar defines federalism as "the mode of political organization that unites separate polities within an overarching political system by distributing power among general and constituent governments in a manner designed to protect the existence and authority of both." It depends on its citizens acting in certain ways which Elazar calls federalism's processes. Federation theory, as applied to civics curriculum, has a set of aims. They are:
*Teach a view of government as a supra federated institution of society in which collective interests of the commonwealth are protected and advanced.
*Teach the philosophical basis of government's role as guardian of the grand partnership of citizens at both levels of individuals and associations of political and social intercourse.
*Convey the need of government to engender levels of support promoting a general sense of obligation and duty toward agreed upon goals and processes aimed at advancing the common betterment.
*Establish and justify a political morality which includes a process to assess whether that morality meets the needs of changing times while holding true to federalist values.
*Emphasize the integrity of the individual both in terms of liberty and equity in which each citizen is a member of a compacted arrangement and whose role is legally, politically, and socially congruent with the spirit of the Bill of Rights.
*Find a balance between a respect for national expertise and an encouragement of local, unsophisticated participation in policy decision-making and implementation.
Your input, as to the content of this Blog, is encouraged through this Blog directly or the Blog's email address: gravitascivics@gmail.com .
NOTE: This blog has led to the publication of a book. The title of that book is TOWARD A FEDERATED NATION: IMPLEMENTING NATIONAL CIVICS STANDARDS and it is available through Amazon in both ebook and paperback versions.

Friday, May 20, 2022



An advocate of parochial federalism continues his/her presentation[1]

Student Political Interests [2]

          To address the political interests of students in relation to parochial / traditional federalist ideals, an aspect of the current American political landscape should be addressed.  That is, Americans have come to place enormous responsibilities on government that before were definitely under the purview of private entities.  So common has this development been, the online service, Quizlet (an educational site), offers the following general descriptive question and answer:


Question;  How has the power of the federal government developed over time?

Answer:  The federal government’s power has INCREASED over time, particularly through the New Deal programs during the Great Depression.[3]

A more insightful account is offered by Robert Bellah, et al.  They write:


We expect government to protect children against abusive parents, wives against battering husbands, and employees against sexual harassment by their bosses.  More and more we think of problems that government cannot or will not solve – infant mortality in poor communities, the AIDS epidemic, rising drug use – as public problems for which government is responsible. And this expansion of public responsibility leads us to experience an interdependence that we both recognize and resent.  Very little in our social world remains “private” in a meaningful sense.[4]


When these expectations are juxtaposed with a political culture that glorifies liberty – what this account calls natural liberty – and a strong individualistic mindset,[5] the match is ill-suited.  Ironically, current levels of consciousness of how interdependent Americans are politically, seem to be generated more from their mutual dependence on government services than any republican sense.

          Further, this juxtaposition has led to some curious practices.  Among them have been the systems tools such as cost-benefit analysis.[6]  In accordance with the general liberal desire to cast government as a neutral entity, cost-benefit analysis typifies the process that government employs to determine public policy.  Bellah et al.’s take on this issue still holds up today:


Cost-benefit analysis has the apparent virtue of allowing a purely neutral weighing of advantages and disadvantages of any given policy in monetary terms, though its critics argue that it systematically overlooks important public concerns that cannot be quantified … [I]t holds out the possibility, however visionary, of an integrated approach to policy, of doing what is really important rather than whatever happens to be politically popular.  Its most fallacious, but equally appealing, claim is that it offers a set of neutral rules, a methodology, for arriving at just decisions.[7]


Using this tool, analysis can even neutrally place value on factors such as life itself.  Value becomes a product of total preferences expressed by autonomous individuals through their choices and measured in market accounting terms (dollars and cents).

          This method places an inordinate premium on current preferences without any overarching moral principles or theory to guide these choices and no accounting for the interests of those yet to be born.  The only real factor is current utilitarian calculations to maximize perceived benefits.  Defenders see this type of policy making as truly democratic which avoids imposing someone’s values on others.[8]

          The political interests of today’s students, first, demand that students become aware of the way related policy decisions are made.  Applying parochial federalist ideals, they, while seeing cost-benefit’s usefulness in public policy debates, would demand that such practices are not the sole way to determine that policy.  They would deal with the question of whether such analysis should replace meaningful democratic debate. 

To rely solely on market choice models as cost-benefit analysis would be to give up on people’s responsibilities to inform themselves and others and discuss the issues.  This basically undemocratic practice as the exclusive method of determining policy should become intolerable to people who are socialized according to the parochial federal tradition.

          To them, such calculations are intolerable because they put dollar values on priceless commitments such as human life, and chisel away at the moral assumptions and understandings that hold a society together.  Many of these understandings are intangible, and those who harbor these cohesive views, even if some do not live by their ideals one hundred percent, espouse them as the moral glue in a republican society and government.

          More recent literature has at least given this concern some attention.  For example, in a more recent article, Pamela Misuraca adds this concern almost as an afterthought in that article’s abstract.  She writes, “It [also notes, however, that because not all costs and benefits can be quantified, measures other than CBA [cost-benefit analysis] should be considered in making investment decisions.”[9]

          Moral assumptions that support equal opportunity are such an intangible.  Social policy should not undermine these intangibles, but should preserve them, help to make them as real and tangible as possible, and preserve the moral tradition from which they sprang.  This at times might lead to economically irrational policy (or seem to be in the short run), but it would provide the opportunity to arrive at rational or optimally disposed policy that would protect or even advance the common good in the long run.

          What are the implications at the student level of such turns in the national political environment?  Based on the general notion that one’s interests are, if not advanced, protected by a political arena that does not avoid quantitative analysis, but healthfully utilizes qualitative ones as well.  Parochial federalism demands that political study strives to advance and protect justice (a normative, mostly an intangible factor) within a polity and along with those resulting insights – as to what creates what is (quantitative studies) – help to assure a civil society.[10]

[1] This presentation begins with the posting, “A Parochial Subject Matter” (March 11, 2022).  The reader is reminded that the claims made in this posting do not necessarily reflect the beliefs or knowledge of this blogger.  Instead, the posting is a representation of what an advocate of parochial federalism might present.  This is done to present a dialectic position of that construct.

[2] William H. Schubert, Curriculum:  Perspective, Paradigm, and Possibility (New York, NY:  MacMillan Publishing Company, 1986).  The meaning of this term has been shared in previous postings and refers to the political interests of students that curriculum developers should consider in their plans.

[3] “Inquisitive Questions,” Quizlet (n.d.), accessed May 18, 2022, https://quizlet.com/269099694/inquisitive-questions-flash-cards/ .

[4] Robert N. Bellah, Richard Madsen, William M. Sullivan, Ann Swidler, and Steven M. Tipton, The Good Society (New York, NY:  Alfred A. Knopf, 1991), 113.

[5] The cultural literature is replete with sources supporting this claim.  Just of cite a more recent source, see Ava Rosenbaum, “Personal Space and American Individualism,” Brown Political Review (October 31, 2018), accessed May 18, 2022, https://brownpoliticalreview.org/2018/10/personal-space-american-individualism/ AND a more time honored source see Seymour Martin Lipset, American Exceptionalism:  A Double-Edged Sword (New York, NY:  W. W. Norton and Company, 1996).

[6] Bellah, et al., The Good Society.

[7] Ibid., 115-116.  This quote reminds one of incubation problems – that might take the form of problems one does not know he/she doesn’t know exist (a la Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld).  See Sidney Dekker and Shawn Pruchinicki, “Drifting into Failure:  Theorising the Dynamics of Disaster Incubation,” Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science (2013), accessed May 15, 2021, Drifting into failure theorising the dynamics of (safetydifferently.com) .

[8] Bellah, et al., The Good Society.

[9] Pamela Misuraca, “Effectiveness of a Cost and Benefit Analysis in Making Federal Government Decisions:  A Literature Review,” MITRE (August 6, 2014) accessed May 19, 2022, https://www.mitre.org/publications/technical-papers/the-effectiveness-of-a-costs-and-benefits-analysis-in-making-federal OR for the actual article, https://www.mitre.org/sites/default/files/publications/cost-benefit-analysis-govt-decisions-14-0929.pdf . 

[10] See Daniel J. Elazar Exploring Federalism (Tuscaloosa, AL:  The University of Alabama Press, 1987).

Tuesday, May 17, 2022



An advocate of parochial federalism continues his/her presentation[1]

Student Economic Interests [2] (cont.)

This posting begins with a continued discussion over the motivation to start a business and the opportunities to do so.  The reason for this concern is to what extent parochial/traditional federalism encourages such an activity.  That would be not only to be so engaged but also to do so within the guides of federalist values, i.e., not to offend through one’s actions the common good.

Some years ago, a lot of discussion – pointed out in the last posting – was over how the exiting of manufacturing to low-wage nations was affecting how viable the US production of goods was.  As Robert Reich[3] pointed out, due to resulting downsizing and consequential disruptions to market controls by large corporations, there have been many new opportunities for a whole new generation of entrepreneurs to begin small businesses.  But, in more recent years, some question this general judgement.

These other commentators cast doubt on this general cause, but they do not question Reich’s generally identified consequence.  In the ensuing years since his book was published, large corporations (valued at $1 billion or more) have resumed their dominant positions in OECD nations’ economies (like that of the US, United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Japan).  Here is a quote from a McKinsey & Company article:


The size of the business sector varies only slightly within each of the major economies, and their share has remained steady for the past 60 years. This steadiness masks significant underlying shifts, notably including the growth of corporations over $1 billion in revenue, which increased their global revenues by 60 percent relative to their home country’s GDP since 1995.[4]


That business landscape has been fertile ground; those current economies, including the US’s economy, do afford newly found opportunities.  This is not an easy topic to summarize in this sort of review – there are a variety of factors affecting manufacturing advancements, for example, in the US including emissions and power generation – but the general literature does report an optimistic future.[5]

Across the board (manufacturing and service businesses), this might very well be the result of technological advancements – one thinks of online accesses – that have proven to lead to a meaningful uptick in the number of businesses getting started.  In terms of small businesses (those with fewer than 100 employees), the following is reported:


The strengthening United States economy in recent years has nurtured many opportunities for entrepreneurs, with the number of small businesses in the US on the rise.

          In 2021, the number of small businesses in the US reached 32.5 million, making up nearly all (99.9 percent) US businesses.

          The increase in the number of small businesses in the US in 2021 is representative of the sustained growth as it makes a 2.5 percent increase from the previous year and a growth of 9.8 percent over the four-year period from 2017 to 2021.[6]


Perhaps a parochial/traditional federalist perspective would encourage many more young people to seize these opportunities and become more actively engaged in the economic as well as political world than would otherwise be the case.  This is not to indicate that insufficient numbers are drawn to entrepreneurial pursuits when they are only spurred on by acquisitive motives, but for the sake of the nation, one is justified to hope for better. 

The point is that in addition to the desires for ever higher levels of material well-being, individuals can be motivated to such endeavors by the old republican, federalist desire to expand one’s liberty (through the entailed enhancement of one’s dignity) and gain a larger control over one’s life by being of service to a commonwealth.  By doing so, individuals create for themselves a more interactive role in the welfare of the broader community.

Stated in other words:  entrepreneurs, with their heightened financial commitment, find it in their interest to become more involved with the social conditions of their community.  Often, the welfare of the community will affect the health of their businesses.  In addition, the polity is benefited by more of its members having a greater personal stake in the general welfare of that community.  When one thinks of it, the natural rights argument of this dialectic struggle can also cite this advantage.

Young people should be introduced to this broader image and language – of parochial federalism – in how businesses are portrayed during their secondary school years.  This notion also plays as a segue to the next topic, political student interests.  What the nation is coming to see, given the rise of polarized politics, is that relying on a system in which off-setting interests check one another – a la Madisonian federalism (reviewed in the last posting) – is not enough.

What at minimum is needed, in part, are espoused values that promote virtue for its own sake and that view does not rise naturally – it needs to be encouraged or socialized.[7]  And to further make the point, one cannot merely count on this more communal view as being an outward perspective relating to or an off-shoot of a natural rights-based sense of personal interest.  As this blog has argued, if anything, that view actively encourages – most of the time[8] – the individual to form and hold a shallow concern for the advancement or even the maintenance of the common good.

[1] This presentation begins with the posting, “A Parochial Subject Matter” (March 11, 2022).  The reader is reminded that the claims made in this posting do not necessarily reflect the beliefs or knowledge of this blogger.  Instead, the posting is a representation of what an advocate of parochial federalism might present.  This is done to present a dialectic position of that construct.

[2] William H. Schubert, Curriculum:  Perspective, Paradigm, and Possibility (New York, NY:  MacMillan Publishing Company, 1986).  The meaning of this term has been shared in previous postings.

[3] Robert B. Reich, The Work of Nation:  Preparing Ourselves for the 21st-Century Capitalism (New York, NY:  Vintage Books, 1992).

[4] “A New Look at How Corporations Impact the Economy and Households:  A Discussion Paper,” McKinsey & Company (May 31, 2021), accessed May 12, 2022, https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/a-new-look-at-how-corporations-impact-the-economy-and-households .

[5] For example, see Torsten Lichtenau, Mattis C. Karlsson, Karl Strempel, and Emmet Gaffney, “The Great Retooling for Sustainability Is a Huge Opportunity in Machinery,” Bain & Company (May, 2, 2022), accessed May 15, 2022, https://www.bain.com/insights/great-retooling-for-sustainability-is-a-huge-opportunity-global-machinery-and-equipment-report-2022/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwyYKUBhDJARIsAMj9lkHLPDj59oGFs1h1wQRLQRlHHz4kKx61T8ONaulmkAxON5qCWZXoxvwaAgO_EALw_wcB .  While this cited report addresses the topic from a global perspective, it pertains to the US.

[6] “How Many Small Businesses Are There in the US in 2022?,” Oberlo (n.d.), accessed May 12, 2022, https://www.oberlo.com/statistics/number-of-small-business-in-the-us#:~:text=The%20increase%20in%20the%20number,period%20from%202017%20to%202021.  Of course, the COVID pandemic affected this general condition, but reflects a background for the quickening recovery of business activity during the last year or so.

[7] Public schools can legitimately do the former and parents should be obliged to do the latter.

[8] For a vivid depiction of natural rights values at work and posing dangerous results, see MSNBC’s documentary on the case study of the travails of GameStop and the roller coaster progression of its stock.  “‘Diamond Hands’ doc Explores the Rise and Fall of GameStop Stock,” MSNBC (n.d.), accessed May 16, 2022, https://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/-diamond-hands-doc-explores-the-rise-and-fall-of-gamestop-stock-139993669626 .  This cite reviews the documentary entitled, “Diamond Hands:  The Legend of Wall Street Bets.”  At one point, the TV presentation quotes the baby boomer, Mike Bloomberg, who in a short statement captures a lot of the difference between the espoused values that are expressed by today’s millennials and those values emanating from a time closer to when federalist values dominated.